MOORESTOWN Special Education Advocacy Council


ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization is the Moorestown Special Education Advocacy Council (hereafter referred to as SpEAC.) ARTICLE II - ORGANIZATION SpEAC exists as an unincorporated committee of parents and other persons in the Moorestown School District interested in promoting equal educational opportunities for children with special learning needs. ARTICLE III - PURPOSES The mission of SpEAC is to work toward the understanding of, respect for and appropriate education of all children with special learning needs in our community. To that end, we will provide a network of support for parents and guardians, including access to relevant information, training and emotional support; we will collaborate with administration and teachers to improve special education programs and advise on school district and building specific policy development; we will collaborate with the Board of Education where appropriate and represent children with special learning needs with respect to budget, professional support or other aspects as needed; and we will promote an atmosphere of open communication, understanding and mutual respect among all students, parents and the community at large. ARTICLE IV - BASIC POLICIES • SpEAC shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, non-partisan and non-profit. • SpEAC shall work to provide educational resources and support; to promote equal educational • opportunities for all children with special learning needs; to advise MTPS on subjects pertaining to special education and to advocate for improvements. • SpEAC may cooperate with other organizations and agencies concerned with child welfare, but persons representing SpEAC in such matters shall make no commitments that bind this organization. • The process of consensus will be used in all issues regarding SpEAC goals. Consensus means that there is general agreement or accord. The majority is able to live with the decision for a specific period of time and is willing to support the agreement. All members of the Voting Body shall be entitled to vote on issues as identified by the Executive Board. • The Voting Body shall be defined as all members of the Executive Board, all members of the Conference Committee and all School Representatives. In addition, a member shall be considered a part of the Voting Body after having attended two regular SpEAC meetings in the previous ten meetings held.  • SpEAC may, but is not required to, sponsor political forums and/or candidate Meet-And-Greet events (Meet/Greet). SpEAC may sponsor a Meet/Greet provided all of the following conditions are met:  o (majority/affirmative%)voteofVotingBodyinfavorofMeet/Greet; o allcandidatesforaspecificofficeareinvitedtoparticipateintheMeet/Greet;and o eachcandidateisgivenequaltimetospeak.Acandidateinvitedbutnotattendingwill not invalidate the Meet/Greet. Amended and Agreed to On: ___05/24/18________________  o 21daysnoticeshallbegivenbeforeavoteistobeheldataSpEACmeetingandan agenda shall be generated and distributed in advance for all meetings when a vote will be taken. o IfamemberoftheVotingBodyisnotpresentatameetingwhenavoteisbeingtaken they may vote via email directed to the Chairperson within 48 hours of the said meeting. o Amajorityvote(ofthosecastingavoteonagivenissue)isneededforanitemtobe considered ruled upon. A split decision will be decided by the Chairperson. The Chairperson does not have the power to override or veto a majority vote. o DecisionsregardingtheannualSpEACConferenceshallbevotedonbytheConference Committee only and can be taken via an in-person vote or via email with a window for casting votes as determined by the chairperson on a case by case basis determined by available time and need. o Financialdecisionsof$200orgreatershallbevotedonbytheExecutiveBoardorthe Conference Committee as applicable. Financial decisions less than $200 shall be made at the discretion of the Chairperson. • Criticism of individual teachers, administrators or students shall not be tolerated in open meetings. • Participation is available to any individual who subscribes to the objectives and basic policies of SpEAC. • Such individuals are considered members (but not necessarily part of the voting body) for the purposes of these by-laws. • Upon the dissolution of SpEAC [this organization], after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of SpEAC, remaining assets lawfully available for distribution shall be distributed to one (1) or more qualifying organizations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code which organization or organizations have a charitable purpose which, at least generally, includes a purpose similar to the dissolving corporation. The organization to receive the assets of the Special Education Advocacy Council here under shall be selected by SpEAC's Chairperson. ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTION • The Executive Board of this committee shall consist of the following: o OneChairperson o OnePastChair o OneCo-Chairperson o OneTreasurer o OneSecretary o OneCommunicationsCoordinator • The Chair shall hold a term not to exceed two consecutive school years (July 1 - June 30). When possible, the proposed slate will be communicated prior to the last scheduled meeting of the year. Should there be any conflicts the voting body will vote on these positions as needed. • Officers shall assume their official duties at the close of the last scheduled meeting and shall serve until successors are elected. An officer having more than one half of a term shall be credited with having served the complete term. Amended and Agreed to On: ___05/24/18________________  • Should there arise a conflict in leadership and/or an officer is unable or unwilling to fulfill their assigned duties, or should an Officer engage in any activity or communication deemed to discredit the work of SpEAC, the Executive Board may vote to replace them. A majority vote by the remaining board members is needed for such an election. ARTICLE VI - DUTIES of OFFICERS • The Chairperson shall preside at all SpEAC meetings; shall perform such duties as may be prescribed in these by-laws or agreed upon by SpEAC or the Executive Board; shall attend Board of Education meetings wherever possible for the duration of their term; and shall serve to represent the needs of all Moorestown children with special learning needs regardless of personal issues. • The Past Chair is the immediate past chairperson and shall assist the current chairperson and other members of the Executive Board as necessary. The Past Chair will be a full voting member of both the Executive Board and the voting body of SpEAC. The Past Chair shall serve the needs of all Moorestown children with special learning needs regardless of personal issues. • The Co-Chairperson will assume the role of Chair when the Chairperson steps down (after two years) or at any point during their term if the Chair becomes unavailable on either a temporary or permanent basis. The Co-Chairperson will attend District H&S meetings wherever possible and will represent SpEAC and its members in that setting. The Co-Chair will provide sign in sheets at each SpEAC meeting and use these to tally and record all member attendance. The Co-Chair will track members status as with regard to the Voting Body. They will support the Chair and Executive Board in whatever capacity needed throughout their term. The Co- Chairperson shall serve the needs of all Moorestown children with special learning needs regardless of personal issues. • The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of income and expenses; shall present a financial statement at each Executive Board meeting and as requested by the Executive Board and shall make a full report at the last annual meeting; and shall serve the needs of all Moorestown children with special learning needs regardless of personal issues. • The Secretary shall record all minutes of all general and executive meetings of the committee and shall make theses minutes available to be posted on the SpEAC website. In addition, the Secretary shall have a copy of the approved by-laws available at every meeting and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the Executive Board. Names of parents will be omitted from all public documents included in the minutes in accordance with the Moorestown Board of Education policy and state law which maintains parents' rights to privacy and confidentiality. The Secretary shall serve the needs of all Moorestown children with special learning needs regardless of personal issues. • The Communications Coordinator shall maintain and update the SpEAC website; send out all email communication as directed by the Chair; maintain the member email list; maintain and update the SpEAC facebook page and coordinate with the Home and School e-comm chair to publish information regarding monthly meeting and upcoming events. The Communications Coordinator shall serve the needs of all Moorestown children with special learning needs regardless of personal issues. If needed, and with approval from the Executive Board, this role may be shared between two or more officers. Amended and Agreed to On: ___05/24/18________________  • School Representatives will attend their respective schools' Home and School meeting whenever possible and with an emphasis on the beginning of the school year and to promote any SpEAC campaigns and initiatives, and will report any items that may be of interest to the general school population; including but not limited to announcing upcoming meeting and events. School Representatives shall serve to represent the needs of all Moorestown children with special learning needs within their designated school regardless of personal issues. School Representative is a volunteer position and all representatives must be confirmed by the Executive Board. ARTICLE VII - EXECUTIVE BOARD • The Executive Board shall composed of the elected officials of SpEAC. The duties are to transact necessary business as may be referred to the committee; approve the plans of work by the committee; present a report at regular meetings; meet in emergency situations; where needed to accept and submit for adoption of a budget for the fiscal year. A majority of those listed as serving shall constitute a quorum. • Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the Chairperson or by a majority of the members of the Board. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the communication. ARTICLE VIII - MEETINGS At least six general meetings of SpEAC shall be held during the school year as noted on the Home and School calendar. Dates shall be determined by the Chairperson and announced at the first general meeting of the year and communicated via email to SpEAC’s membership. Where possible five days notice shall be given of a change in date or time. In the event of an unexpected change of date or venue, SpEAC shall do their best to communicate this effectively through the channels available to them. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board. When possible, three days’ notice will be given. The purpose of the special meeting shall be stated in the communication. ARTICLE IX - FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year of SpEAC shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30. ARTICLE X - AMENDMENTS • These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of SpEAC by a two thirds vote of the Voting Body; providing that notice of the proposed amendments shall have been given at least 21 days prior to the meeting at which the action is to be taken, and provided that the amendments are not in conflict with N.J.A.C. 6:28 or the Moorestown Board of Education policies or the Moorestown Home and School policies. • A by-laws committee, as appointed by the Executive Board, shall review and revise, if necessary, these by-laws at least once every three years. Adopted: _______5/11/17________________________ Amended and Agreed to On: ___05/24/18________________